Your donations are used to develop the local community by supporting men and women from deprived socio-economic backgrounds to pursue higher education who can then become voices for Islam and engage in advocacy work for the community.
Use the bank details below to set up a regular payment or make a single time donation through your online banking, or complete this Standing Order Mandate (Word / PDF) and send it to us at the address below.
Account Name | Institute for Leadership & Community Development |
Sort Code | 40-16-59 |
Account Number | 50028673 |
IBAN | GB37HBUK40165950028673 |
Address: Institute for Leadership & Community Development , Leigh Road, Birmingham, B8 2YH
Send a cheque drawn on a UK bank payable to Institute for Leadership & Community Development to the address below:
Address: Institute for Leadership & Community Development , Leigh Road, Birmingham, B8 2YH
Make a bank transfer through your online banking or in your branch using the bank details below.
Account Name | Institute for Leadership & Community Development |
Sort Code | 40-16-59 |
Account Number | 50028673 |
IBAN | GB37HBUK40165950028673 |
Our graduates progress to postgraduate studies at leading institutes, including: